The Daily Beast is an American news and opinion website focused on politics and pop culture. In a 2015 interview, editor in chief John Avlon described The Beast‘s editorial approach: “We seek out scoops, scandals and stories about secret worlds; we love confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites.” Our Founding Fathers Feared a Trump (@The Daily Beast) The Founders had a […]
The American Prophet Who Predicted Trump
The Daily Beast is an American news and opinion website focused on politics and pop culture. In a 2015 interview, editor in chief John Avlon described The Beast‘s editorial approach: “We seek out scoops, scandals and stories about secret worlds; we love confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites.” The American Prophet Who Predicted Trump (@The Daily Beast) Whether or not Donald […]
Look Homeward, Obama
The Daily Beast is an American news and opinion website focused on politics and pop culture. In a 2015 interview, editor in chief John Avlon described The Beast‘s editorial approach: “We seek out scoops, scandals and stories about secret worlds; we love confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites.” Look Homeward, Obama (@The Daily Beast) Later this week Barack Hussein Obama […]
George Washington, the First Vaxxer
The Daily Beast is an American news and opinion website focused on politics and pop culture. In a 2015 interview, editor in chief John Avlon described The Beast‘s editorial approach: “We seek out scoops, scandals and stories about secret worlds; we love confronting bullies, bigots and hypocrites.” George Washington, the First Vaxxer (@The Daily Beast) At a time when […]
The “Arab Spring” of 2011 and the “Chinese Spring” of 1911
The op-ed page of The Lakeville Journal has won the top prize for op-ed pages of 2011 at the New England Newspaper and Press Association (NENPA); I am pleased that one of my columns was at the top of the award-winning page. That one was about the Arab Spring of 2011, and a cautionary antecedent, […]
A Dozen Ways To Eliminate The Middle Class
Here’s an article that was first in The Huffington Post and then reposted on many other sites. Cleaning out my files at year end of 2010, I came across notes that I wrote in early 2002 on a dozen ways to eliminate America’s middle class through the actions of government and private industry. I must […]