Past Events
October 24, 2017: Lecture at The Colony Cub, New York
November 29, 2017: Lecture at Union League of Philadelphia
February 24, 2015: Speaking at Georgia Tech on GENTLEMEN SCIENTISTS
February 4, 2015: Speaking to Smithsonian American History Museum on GENTLEMEN SCIENTISTS
November 16, 2014: SCOVILLE LIBRARY SPEAKER SERIES: “Gentlemen Scientists and Revolutionaries”
Oblong Books & Music, Millerton, NY in partnership with Scoville Memorial Library, Salisbury, CT present SCOVILLE SPEAKER SERIES and Tom will be speaking about his new book: “GENTLEMEN, SCIENTISTS AND REVOLUTIONARIES: The Founding Fathers in the Age of Enlightenment” on Sunday, November 16 – 4pm at the Scoville Memorial Library, Salisbury, CT Admission: FREE.